Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ready To Start

I heard the news today oh boy.
You can finally download the Beatles catalog at the Itunes store. Now for people of my advanced age this is a biggie, although I do suspect that many of them either have the CDs  or used the Napster back in the day and already have the  songs on their Ipod.
 I do remember being in fifth grade and loving Yellow Submarine (the movie) but really when it comes to the Beatles that about it. While the Beatles and the Rolling Stones were on the radio all the time as I was growing up I just never got into them to the point where I spent my hard earned allowance on their music. Yes I can appreciate that they changes the face of music forever but I just never connected to them on a primal level.
Deep down I am a Modernist in my love of the arts. When Joyce and I started dating we had our first really big argument about how she loves all things classical and i love contemporary things, this argument was fueled by some powerful Zombies (a drink neither of us have ever gone back to, at least yet).

This is just a long-winded way to introduce a band that I think is the greatest at this moment.

Arcade Fire - Wake up

 They only have three albums out so far "Funeral", "Neon Bible", and the recently released "The Suburbs". All three are excellent, but the best is the most recent "The Suburbs" It is actually a bit of a concept album. It theme is that the suburbs are a place that will trap our youth and is necessary to escape, while offering a comfortable place to grow old. The band has two main singers Win Butler and his wife RĂ©gine Chassagne. the band formed in Montreal, but have an international sound and feel that is like no one else.

One more thing . If you want to experience what their music feels like go to The Wilderness Downtown and type in the address of where you grew up. It is quite poignant.

One more clip to give you a taste.

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